

Ok, so I know they are actually called Nerve Blocks, but I insist on adding the ‘er’ to it…lol

I got them today…to see if they will help my migraines. They did the Occipital Nerve in the back of my head and the Supraorbital Nerve in the front of my head. I have a black eye on my right eye from this…lol Just my upper eyelid, it’s pretty funny though. I legit didn’t know that the ones in the front would be below my eyebrows and so close to my eyes though, I thought they would be up above the eyebrows…no one warned me! I was kinda not amused when I felt that poke so close to my eyes…It was relatively painless though, the last one hurt the most, which was the left side of my Supraorbital nerve. and it burned when he injected me. Oddly it was the only one that really did.

Here are a couple of pictures. The first one you can also see right beneath the thickest part of my eye brows, two tiny black dots, that’s the injection site. The second one has a snapchat filter on it, and it’s just funny because it looks like I have eye shadow only on one eye…lol

Black eye from Supraorbital Nerve Block.
only did half my make up today…you know… lol

So anyway, that’s it, I will keep posting about how I feel with them, if I get headaches or not…we shall see. I did feel like completely numb all over my head but some of that is beginning to wear off so i’m feeling more normal.

Until next time… 🙂

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