coffee, family, friends, love, mental shit, migraines, the past, weird shit

Blindsided by grief

So, my dad was not part of my life growing up. His mother vehemently denied that I was his until I was 18. When I was 18 I met her and saw my dad and step mom for the first time in 14 years, and met my little brother, who is 4 years younger than me. I did not get to meet my grandfather however, he was working or out of town or something. I really can’t remember as this was 18 years ago. Three years later my grandmother would have a fit about my political/religious beliefs and other random bits about myself—. I’m quite liberal, I believe in equal rights for all, I’m pro-choice…just to name a few. She disowned me, flat out, she said she could not accept me…my father was still very much under her influence at that time as well, and he went with it. I didn’t speak to him again until I was 25…I went in search of him and found him. We have gotten to know each other and are friends now, he also told me how sorry he was for not being there for me and acknowledged his wrongs, that was 4 years ago. We talk often. My grandmother found me on Facebook about 8 or 9 years ago, she sent me a friend request and I accepted it. In that time she has said 1 thing to me…”Now that I know you’re bipolar, I understand you better.” As if my diagnosis has any bearing on my beliefs. In case you don’t understand…IT DOES NOT! The two are not related at all. She has not said anything to me since, and I unfriended her recently…because I feel that if she can’t make an effort to really get to know me or try to show that she cares…then why bother. This is all really just background information for the real reason I am posting.

A couple of months ago, my Aunt(dad’s sister) texted me and told me that my grandpa Joe was not doing well and she would be caring for him, she didn’t give me details, but said she would later, she just wanted my dad’s phone number, as they don’t speak to each other and haven’t for years. Well, I never heard anything more from her…the other day, my cousin on that side, whom I adore, messaged me to make sure I knew what was going on and that he would be going into hospice soon. He had cancer, it was a recent thing, but I guess it progressed rather quickly. He went into hospice on Monday, 6/10, he passed away early this morning. My dad texted me. Now when I was talking to my cousin and she was telling me about it…i didn’t feel anything…like ok, I felt bad for all of them because they were losing this family patriarch that they all adored, but I felt nothing because I didn’t know him. By all accounts, (Dad, Aunt, cousin and even my own mother who can’t stand my dad’s family because of how they treated her and I) he was a wonderful man, and he would have been accepting of me as his granddaughter and I’ve even been told that he loved me, despite having never met me. I wasn’t feeling anything though because I have no attachment to him. Fast forward to today and my dad’s text…then I messaged my Aunt to give my condolences, and after a bit I started feeling sadness and anger I did not expect. Sadness and anger over being nearly 37 years old and having never met and gotten to know my paternal grandfather. Sadness that it is unfair, and I was gypped out of a relationship with him. Anger, a little at him for not having ever reached out to me, but mostly at his wife, my grandmother, for being the vile and cruel human being that she is and gypping me out of that relationship. It also brought up all my feelings over the loss of both of my grandfather’s on my mother’s side. My biological grandpa, Poppy, was killed by a drunk driver when I was 8. My grandma eventually remarried and I grew up with Papa Ray and loved him with all my heart, and he passed away from heart failure a little over 4 years ago. I really struggled with not crying at work today.

I just took a walk on my lunch to Dutch Bros and got a small coffee and the new guy at work walked with me and I talked to him about it. I talked to my hubby, my mom and my bestie about it today too. I also shared on the FB group I run for my girl gang. I just never expected to feel this way because I didn’t know him, but I think I am mourning the fact that now I never will and it’s not fair. I hate that phrase “not fair” because kids say it and it’s annoying and frustrating…but it’s the only phrase I can come up with for this. And I really do ultimately fully blame my grandmother. She was horrible to my mother when she was pregnant, she was horrible to me when she disowned me, and I found out that she was horrible for years to my step mom, saying awful and cruel things to her for now reason…and my step mom may very well be the sweetest human being I’ve ever had the pleasure to know. I adore her and can’t even understand having the ability to say something awful to her. My paternal grandmother is a vile and cruel human. I can’t honestly think of any other way to say it…I thought I had let go of past anger and hurt regarding what she did and said to me…and then this happened and it all rose back to the surface.

Everyone I’ve talked to about it, they all tell me that what I’m feeling is very valid and I have every right to feel this way and I know they are right. But I just didn’t expect it. I was completely blindsided. I don’t know if it’s grief for the actual loss of my grandpa, or for the ability to ever meet him and have him in my life or maybe both, but it’s put me in a pretty negative head space right now. I’ve been crying, I cried some in the car on my way home from work and now crying while I’ve written this and it’s giving me a headache. I hate that I can’t fucking cry without getting a migraine. FML! I’m gonna go lay down and attempt to sleep in this hot ass house. Maybe I will feel better in the morning, but I am not holding my breath.

coffee, eddie vedder, love, migraines, musical memories, pearl jam, tattoos

Feeling good…

So no headaches yet…and my neck and jaws were even tight earlier today and I still don’t have a headache or any symptoms, so that is AWESOMESAUCE! I hope this is a good sign!

I was wearing a wool sweater today because it was like icy out this morning…my car was frozen…but it got sunny and warmed up and i was sitting here at work roasting! I luckily had my zip up hoodie which is also lighter than the sweater and I can leave it partially unzipped so I can actually breathe because I do have a tank top on. And I propped the door open to let in some breezy air…it’s finally feeling better. I’m so looking forward to the warmer weather coming, but not for how warm it’s going to be here at work…because that sun come around to the front of the building and it heat up out here. I need to get the fan I had in here back out of the group room, because I may need it.

My black eye is much darker now, but it still doesn’t hurt, so that’s good…like I can feel that it’s bruised but, it’s not painful…

I just realized, I have not yet posted a pic of my new ink…OMG, seriously? Wtf? so yeah I got my 22nd tattoo…it’s another PJ tattoo…(OF COURSE!) And for those of you reading who don’t know much about me yet, PJ means Pearl Jam and they are my favorite band, since I was 12…and I’m stubborn as fuck about it…I will not even entertain the idea that there is any other band past or present that is better than them. This is a song title in Eddie Vedder’s handwriting…a song that I love…if you’ve never heard it, look it up!

I’ve had two cups of coffee today, too and it’s made a huge difference in helping me to stay feeling like I’m human…lol Ok, that’s it for today.

coffee, love, musical memories, weightloss journey, weird shit


I just can’t seem to wake up today. I drank coffee, didn’t help, usually does, but not today. I think this sickness is still trying to kick my butt. I’m over the real bad part of it, but still have the cough, and it’s messing with my sleep, I think. I wish I could sleep for days! I want to hibernate!

I rediscovered Type O Negative yesterday…I say rediscovered, because it’s been forever since I listened to them. Probably not since around the time Peter Steele died. They are probably a bad choice for today, but I am listening anyway. I say that because his voice could lull me to sleep. I find their music so relaxing and with as tired as I am today I could pass out easy given the opportunity.

I wish I could go get Dutch Bros…I could use a coffee boost…I love my white coffee!!! ❤ I have some for making it myself at home, but the problem is I think you really need an espresso machine, which I don’t have…and so it never tastes good when I try and make it in my regular 1 cup machine. It tastes downright disgusting actually…like water and then the creamer makes it taste like spoiled milk…lol BLECH! But the DB drink is heaven! I get an Almond bar latte with White coffee, it has white mocha and almond flavoring.

Facebook and Instagram are broken…have been since like 8am…I can’t comment or post or anything, it’s annoyingAF!!! Come on guys fix the issue!

So the weirdest thing just happened, I texted my hubby, re: our banfield wellness plans, which one of just went up in price…anyway, I sent one message and he received something else…we were confused and trying to fig it out and finally just ended up sending each other screen shots because he didn’t understand my text and I had no idea what he didn’t get because I thought it was rather clear, plus I explained it again. I am attaching a pic of both texts. So I looked it up on google and apparently this s something that happens sometimes, and it’s caused by two text messages crossing out there in cyberspace or whatever you wanna call it. And I guess the other recipient got the end of my message…? The pink is my original text and the green is what he received.

Talk about strange! He says it’s the NSA and I say Mike TV got scrambled in the airwaves…lol If you’re an 80’s kid you’ll get my joke….if you’re an adult in the USA right now you’ll get his…lol

I’m still doing well with eating better. I’m eating smaller snacks through out the day, but also making better choices as to what those snacks are. I haven’t lost anymore weight this week yet though. But I’m still improving my habits. I also learned that for every pound you lose, it relieves 4 pounds of pressure off of your knees and 6 pounds of pressure off of your hips, that’s good news for my hips! My left one has been acting up for two days now. I don’t know why exactly either.

I guess that’s all I’ve got right now…I got some work to do.