coffee, eddie vedder, love, migraines, musical memories, pearl jam, tattoos

Feeling good…

So no headaches yet…and my neck and jaws were even tight earlier today and I still don’t have a headache or any symptoms, so that is AWESOMESAUCE! I hope this is a good sign!

I was wearing a wool sweater today because it was like icy out this morning…my car was frozen…but it got sunny and warmed up and i was sitting here at work roasting! I luckily had my zip up hoodie which is also lighter than the sweater and I can leave it partially unzipped so I can actually breathe because I do have a tank top on. And I propped the door open to let in some breezy air…it’s finally feeling better. I’m so looking forward to the warmer weather coming, but not for how warm it’s going to be here at work…because that sun come around to the front of the building and it heat up out here. I need to get the fan I had in here back out of the group room, because I may need it.

My black eye is much darker now, but it still doesn’t hurt, so that’s good…like I can feel that it’s bruised but, it’s not painful…

I just realized, I have not yet posted a pic of my new ink…OMG, seriously? Wtf? so yeah I got my 22nd tattoo…it’s another PJ tattoo…(OF COURSE!) And for those of you reading who don’t know much about me yet, PJ means Pearl Jam and they are my favorite band, since I was 12…and I’m stubborn as fuck about it…I will not even entertain the idea that there is any other band past or present that is better than them. This is a song title in Eddie Vedder’s handwriting…a song that I love…if you’ve never heard it, look it up!

I’ve had two cups of coffee today, too and it’s made a huge difference in helping me to stay feeling like I’m human…lol Ok, that’s it for today.

coffee, love, musical memories, weightloss journey, weird shit


I just can’t seem to wake up today. I drank coffee, didn’t help, usually does, but not today. I think this sickness is still trying to kick my butt. I’m over the real bad part of it, but still have the cough, and it’s messing with my sleep, I think. I wish I could sleep for days! I want to hibernate!

I rediscovered Type O Negative yesterday…I say rediscovered, because it’s been forever since I listened to them. Probably not since around the time Peter Steele died. They are probably a bad choice for today, but I am listening anyway. I say that because his voice could lull me to sleep. I find their music so relaxing and with as tired as I am today I could pass out easy given the opportunity.

I wish I could go get Dutch Bros…I could use a coffee boost…I love my white coffee!!! ❤ I have some for making it myself at home, but the problem is I think you really need an espresso machine, which I don’t have…and so it never tastes good when I try and make it in my regular 1 cup machine. It tastes downright disgusting actually…like water and then the creamer makes it taste like spoiled milk…lol BLECH! But the DB drink is heaven! I get an Almond bar latte with White coffee, it has white mocha and almond flavoring.

Facebook and Instagram are broken…have been since like 8am…I can’t comment or post or anything, it’s annoyingAF!!! Come on guys fix the issue!

So the weirdest thing just happened, I texted my hubby, re: our banfield wellness plans, which one of just went up in price…anyway, I sent one message and he received something else…we were confused and trying to fig it out and finally just ended up sending each other screen shots because he didn’t understand my text and I had no idea what he didn’t get because I thought it was rather clear, plus I explained it again. I am attaching a pic of both texts. So I looked it up on google and apparently this s something that happens sometimes, and it’s caused by two text messages crossing out there in cyberspace or whatever you wanna call it. And I guess the other recipient got the end of my message…? The pink is my original text and the green is what he received.

Talk about strange! He says it’s the NSA and I say Mike TV got scrambled in the airwaves…lol If you’re an 80’s kid you’ll get my joke….if you’re an adult in the USA right now you’ll get his…lol

I’m still doing well with eating better. I’m eating smaller snacks through out the day, but also making better choices as to what those snacks are. I haven’t lost anymore weight this week yet though. But I’m still improving my habits. I also learned that for every pound you lose, it relieves 4 pounds of pressure off of your knees and 6 pounds of pressure off of your hips, that’s good news for my hips! My left one has been acting up for two days now. I don’t know why exactly either.

I guess that’s all I’ve got right now…I got some work to do.

eddie vedder, love, musical memories

musical musings…

At work right now…It’s kinda quiet today though.

AFI’s album Sing the Sorrow turns 16 today. That album got me through a lot of shit. It’s one of my favorite albums of all time. I love AFI so much, one of my top 5 bands. I saw them in concert in August 2017. It was amazing, even got my daughter to fall in love with their music. My husband hated it…but I think even worse than the music was the atmosphere for him…but he doesn’t like that style of music either, and the two opening bands were terrible.

So I mentioned yesterday also, that I saw Lucero in November, they are definitely now one of my top 5 bands as well. Like they kinda already were before I saw them live, and then that cemented it. Even though I saw them at Dante’s which is a terrible venue with lousy acoustics…the show was still FUCKING AMAZING!!! I missed buying my ticket when they were on sale, but luckily I found someone who had an extra ticket they needed to sell. I didn’t take a bunch of pics, I just took one, and enjoyed the music.

Lucero @ Dante’s in PDX on 11/10/18

I really would love to see them again. I hope they are back in PDX soon. Shortly after this concert they got some National recognition when they performed and interviewed on GMA, I think was the show. And I think that is pretty badass, but at the same time, I was thinking oh damn, now they’re gonna get super famous and they’ll play bigger venues and ticket prices will go up and tons of other people will want to go see them so it will be harder to get tickets…haha I might have been thinking a little selfishly…but I just love them so much! ❤

I first discovered Lucero because I was listening to a station on iheartradio based off of Christian Kane, and a song called “Last Pale Light in the West” came on, it is by Ben Nichols, the front man for Lucero, on his solo album. I fell in love with that song, and found the album to listen to, then late found he front Lucero and I fell in love with that as well. My favorite of their albums is Tennessee, but they are ALL amazing! And that song, plus one other by Ben have been featured on one of my favorite TV shows, The Walking Dead!!! ❤

This past weekend there was a PJ tribute band show in PDX, also included Nirvana and Mother Love Bone tributes, I wanted to go so bad, but didn’t get to. It was called Flannel Fest, hopefully they’ll come back here again…maybe next year.

I am getting a new Pearl Jam tattoo soon, in the next couple of weeks. “Given to fly…” in Eddie’s handwriting from his lyrics journal. It’s going to go along my right collar bone opposite my humming bird. I really can’t wait til I can start the Eddie Vedder portrait tattoo. That one will be gorgeous! ❤

eddie vedder, family, friends, love, musical memories, pearl jam, the past

It’s been awhile…

I haven’t written since PJ! Shit, a lot has happened!

Recap! I started working at Service Master. I saw LUCERO in concert, I went to Seattle again, to visit Taylor and meet her new husband, while there I tried Spice cake which was maybe the yummiest thing I’ve ever had, and Korean BBQ and loved it! I got fired from Service Master of Salem, and yup they can all kiss my big white ass! I hope they see that. I got unemployment for a month and a half while I looked for a new job, and i found one working for the Drug Treatment Court in Corvallis as an office manager. I like it a lot, it’s far less stressful that any job I have ever had and that’s kinda a nice change! It’s a long commute though, so we bought a Jetta TDI at auction that wasn’t running and Jason fixed it, so I have a car that gets better mileage because it’s a diesel that can get up to 41 miles per gallon. And it’s a lot of fun to drive! I had  complete and total break down 2 weeks ago over my weight. I was fine and then all of a sudden I couldn’t control my emotions and I bawled, and since they we’ve been working on eating better and I have already lost 8.6 lbs. I am getting a new PJ tattoo in the next couple of weeks, and I also will be getting solar nails when I hit the 10 lbs mark, because Jason and I made a deal…lol I came down with the flu on Friday 3/1, and went to Urgent care immediately after work, and then the next day had one of the worst migraines of my life and Jason had to take me to the ER that night. OH And I shaved my head about 3 weeks ago.

The pin in the green Hoodie was the day after I shaved my head and then the other two are the last few days, you can see how much it has grown out…I actually really love it…but I am growing it back out. I just really needed to start from scratch because my hair was sooooooo damaged from all the shit I did to it in the last year. I am growing it out long though and I am not planning to color it myself anymore, I want to go get it done and have like an ombre or biolage or something done, so it looks like a real pretty combo of my natural color with some lighter honey blonde and maybe a little bit of platinum sorta highlights… and so it’s not damaged because I am not even kidding when I tell you my hair was fucked up and dry and brittle when I shaved my head. But I decided on the way home to do it, and I walked in and told my hubby and he said “You won’t do it, you always flip out when I tell you to do that” and he’s not wrong, but him saying that…turned it into a dare…so I had to do it. And I actually have a great shaped head for it, so I can rock it well. I have gotten lots of compliments and then it’s also ended up being a fun social experiment to see how strangers react…I went ot safeway the weekend after I did it, and the cashier who checked me ou, and older guy probably in his 60s, wouldn’t even look at me. They J and I went to dinner one night and a guy at the burger joint wouldn’t stop staring! I think it’s because people aren’t sure if this was a deliberate choice or if I’m sick with cancer and lost all my hair…lol

Oh yeah, and I started drinking coffee, my best friend taught me how to make it drinkable…lol I am obsessed, hence the new blog. My favorite is white coffee from Dutch Bros, but I make light roast at home. I love flavoring with vanilla and caramel creamer. I’m an addict!

I guess that’s about it for now, we got shit to get done today, and I’m hungry I haven’t eaten anything…and I am frozen so I’m gonna go take a HOT shower.

Creative, dreams, eddie vedder, family, friends, love, musical memories, pearl jam, shopping, spiritual, the past

Ok, so I am a week and a half late with this post, but I was exhausted, and had to finish out my last 2 weeks at the job I was at…yup, I got a new job and that’s a whole other topc, I start it tomorrow…but this post is all about the trip to Seattle to see my saving grace, Pearl Jam!!!

So Here is how this is going to go down…I’m going to write about the whole trip and then I will post all the pictures…well not all of them because I took way too many at MoPop, but I have gathered my favorites from there. So the first thing you should know, that for a fan like me, not just of Pearl Jam, but grunge in general…traveling to Seattle is like visiting the motherland…of grunge, it’s a sacred experience!


So we arrived in Seattle at 10am and went and ate some food and then caught a bus over to Easy Street Records, I honestly just wanted to see the Mother Love Bone Mural and get pics, but not only that I looked up and there were two of my FB PJ friends, Art and Stephanie, so I got to meet them and talk for a couple minutes and get a pic and Art gave me a copy of the newest “mixtape” CD they had made, they do that make mixes of PJ stuff and give them out. Then we went inside Easy Street and OMG, it’s amazing!!! So much memorabilia for not just PJ but all of them!!! I took a lot of pics and got a couple souvenirs. Then I connected on FB with my friend Denise and we both headed from our locations down to Pike Place Market to meet up! I got to see the gumwall and added my own gum, it was sooo cool! Such a bizarre thing, but at the same time this amazing piece of living art because it’s always constantly changing. It was awesome to meet her and her awesome family! Her hubby is from New Zealand and her song is a giant…lol Then hubby and I went shopping at the market and got some cool stuff. It was really hot though and the market is mostly outside and they have like no where to sit so we decided to go to the hotel, and at our hotel they had a Starbucks so we sat there til check-in time and charged our phones and drank iced tea…lol Also met a sweet family of ladies, a mom and her two teen daughters who had flown in from Texas for the show and they were flying back out immediately after. It was a graduation gift to the older daughter. We chatted a lot because I’m from Texas and we all love PJ. Then we finally got to check-in and we went up and settled into the hotel, and then went downstairs to eat at Ruth’s Chris as our anniversary dinner, as our wedding anniversary was the night before. Then we ran back up to the hotel room for our tickets and headed to Safeco. It was insane trying to get in…sooooo unorganized and things labeled wrong. I even had to throw my purse away because you can’t take anything bigger than a wristlet into the venue…I had looked up the rules for Safeco, having no idea that PJ set their own rules. Luckily it was an old purse and I didn’t care so much, so everything important went into Jason’s cargo pockets and my little make up bag and that was it…lol So the guy who bought our 3rd ticket was actually from Australia and he was ADORABLE! The show started 1 hour late, and really I don’t know how it goes at most of them because this is my only experience but I think it was because of how disorganized it was to get through the gates.

All of a sudden the regular music pumping over the PA system shut off and the music for Aye Davanita started and then the stage lights came on and we could see the guys taking their places. They opened with Long Road but then they played RELEASE! I think I died a little when they started that one…I died a little several times. They played everything I could have asked for except Daughter. I got Corduroy(my fave song since I was 15), I got Black…extended version(We Belong together)…I got Lightning Bolt, I got Neil Young covers, I just got it all. Release, while not my fave song, is a very important one to me and I was moved nearly to tears by it. I would have cried had they played Daughter. It is one thing to listen to their albums, you feel it…but to be there in that stadium and feel Mike and Stone’s guitar, Jeff’s bass, Matt’s drums, Booms Keys and especially Eddie’s voice physically reverberate through your body, it’s a sacred and other worldly experience. This was the most amazing experience of my life to date…and you can bet your ass I will see them again!!! Pearl Jam fever is a very real thing!!!

On Thursday we went and had brunch with my bff Taylor, and then went to MoPop and went through essentially every exhibit. And then went to the space needle, Jason had to bribe me with food to get me to go up in the needle though. And then we got up there and they have the new lower deck glad floor, and I stood on it and took a pic…yeah me the one who was terrified, but Jason, the one who wanted to go up, would not step foot on the glass floor…BOOM! I got a t-shirt and a badass seattle made float out of the deal for being so brave! lol

Here are the pictures…







This last picture is a poster Jason bought for me at Pike Place Market. I had to have it, my boys played with Metallica, on my hubby’s 11th birthday in my hometown of Houston at the ASTRODOME!!! HELLS YEAH!!! lol

Safeco night 2, they did play Daughter, and my friend Denice who I met at Pike Place, she went live on Facebook just for me so I could hear it, I was just going to bed, I cried watching the live feed of that song. ❤