Creative, family, friends, love, migraines, the past, weightloss journey, weird shit

checking in…

RE: Nerve block

I had one migraine that I woke up with this past Saturday…but it was manageable and I got rid of it. My period did arrive, Sunday night, and so far, no major migraines from it.

I have however been having insane cramps…feels like someone is trying to rip my uterus out with a red hot poker…but yeah sure I love being female! *angry face* I haven’t had cramps like these since i was a teenager… My emotions are also all over the damn place, I’m swinging from wanting to punch someone in the throat to trying not to cry.

My lunch break today was spent handling personal bullshit, I had to cancel Comcast internet because they fucking suck ass! And I got a letter from a guy in Kentucky repping my medical insurance saying that I would have to pay them back for any injuries from my car accident (last May) that they had paid benefits on…but they didn’t pay on anything progressive did…so what happened is the computer connected my broken toe(thanks to my dogs) to the accident and they needed to make sure that they were not connected because I did go to urgent care and the foot doctor about my toe. However, that happened on like May 22nd(or so) and the accident was May 30th so that should have been fucking obvious but apparently it wasn’t. So I had to resolve that as well. Fucking morons if you ask me…I mean there was at least a week between the toe and car accident.

I also got my nails did on Sunday…LOOOOOVE them!!! Hubby and I made a deal that I could get my nails did once I lost 10 lbs…guess who is down 11 as of last Saturday!?

The color of the dipping powder is called Wizard Fantasy. ❤ And We love Negan!

Who else is relieved there was no major life or death cliff hangers on the TWD Season 9 finale??? *raises hand*

coffee, eddie vedder, love, migraines, musical memories, pearl jam, tattoos

Feeling good…

So no headaches yet…and my neck and jaws were even tight earlier today and I still don’t have a headache or any symptoms, so that is AWESOMESAUCE! I hope this is a good sign!

I was wearing a wool sweater today because it was like icy out this morning…my car was frozen…but it got sunny and warmed up and i was sitting here at work roasting! I luckily had my zip up hoodie which is also lighter than the sweater and I can leave it partially unzipped so I can actually breathe because I do have a tank top on. And I propped the door open to let in some breezy air…it’s finally feeling better. I’m so looking forward to the warmer weather coming, but not for how warm it’s going to be here at work…because that sun come around to the front of the building and it heat up out here. I need to get the fan I had in here back out of the group room, because I may need it.

My black eye is much darker now, but it still doesn’t hurt, so that’s good…like I can feel that it’s bruised but, it’s not painful…

I just realized, I have not yet posted a pic of my new ink…OMG, seriously? Wtf? so yeah I got my 22nd tattoo…it’s another PJ tattoo…(OF COURSE!) And for those of you reading who don’t know much about me yet, PJ means Pearl Jam and they are my favorite band, since I was 12…and I’m stubborn as fuck about it…I will not even entertain the idea that there is any other band past or present that is better than them. This is a song title in Eddie Vedder’s handwriting…a song that I love…if you’ve never heard it, look it up!

I’ve had two cups of coffee today, too and it’s made a huge difference in helping me to stay feeling like I’m human…lol Ok, that’s it for today.



Ok, so I know they are actually called Nerve Blocks, but I insist on adding the ‘er’ to it…lol

I got them today…to see if they will help my migraines. They did the Occipital Nerve in the back of my head and the Supraorbital Nerve in the front of my head. I have a black eye on my right eye from this…lol Just my upper eyelid, it’s pretty funny though. I legit didn’t know that the ones in the front would be below my eyebrows and so close to my eyes though, I thought they would be up above the eyebrows…no one warned me! I was kinda not amused when I felt that poke so close to my eyes…It was relatively painless though, the last one hurt the most, which was the left side of my Supraorbital nerve. and it burned when he injected me. Oddly it was the only one that really did.

Here are a couple of pictures. The first one you can also see right beneath the thickest part of my eye brows, two tiny black dots, that’s the injection site. The second one has a snapchat filter on it, and it’s just funny because it looks like I have eye shadow only on one eye…lol

Black eye from Supraorbital Nerve Block.
only did half my make up today…you know… lol

So anyway, that’s it, I will keep posting about how I feel with them, if I get headaches or not…we shall see. I did feel like completely numb all over my head but some of that is beginning to wear off so i’m feeling more normal.

Until next time… 🙂